There is no force more powerful than the will to live.
Aron Ralston left his home in Aspen, Colorado for an 8 hour, 13 mile adventure in Utah's remote Blue John Canyon... During his hike he dislodged a huge boulder in a slot canyon and it pinned his hand and forearm. After 5 days, having tried every way possible to free himself; he was out of water- then he made a decision that resonated around the world. He cut off the now dead hand and arm just below the elbow, with a dull pocket knife
for an hour, applied a tourniquet and bandage to the stump; then made his way toward the remote trail head...setting up an anchor and rappelling 60 feet along the way. He walked out, and by chance met 2 hikers who assisted him and phoned for help. He walked into the hospital emergency room.His self rescue was an inspired act of self-preservation...Search and rescue volunteers praised Ralston's ability to keep his head and to do the unthinkable. There's even a movie inspired by his experience. [127 hours he was played by James Franco]
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